Teamwork Homecare- The homebased Medical Care Provider set to launch Mobile App

Teamwork Homecare services the leading home based medical services provider start up in Uganda is set to launch it’s Teamwork application later this month.

Having entered the home based medical care subsector back in 2020 officially being incorporated in 2021, Teamwork Homecare services has grown substantially gaining enough traction in the sector to warrant developing and subsequently launching its own application.

With a focus on providing Palliative Care, Elderly care, Post delivery and peadiatric services on top of specialist home visits by Doctors and home based care nurses, the company is making head way into a local health sector that is yet to crytalise in terms of proper health management systems and service delivery.

This according to the company’s Founder and CEO Julius Habumugisha a Medical Professional himself gives them an advantage which they need to maximize by moving fast and expand strategically so that they can give patients who in this case are their clients the best service across the nation.

A Teamwork Homecare staff attending to a client on phone something that will be simplified with the company’s new application and interface coming online soon

Why the Application?

“Having worked on 400 plus patients, invested close to 20,000 dollars (70 Million Ugx plus) to build an effective system through which patients or those taking care of them can book in on their behalf follow the procedure and get an appointment upon which they can agree to have Teamwork Homecare as their medical service provider of choice at home, it was inevitable for the company to improve it’s services with a new application to ease access for patients turned prospective customers who need their services” Habumugisha observes.

The application is coming with a number of features that will serve three categories that is patients looking for homebased medical care and connections to good specialists plus hospitals, nurses and medical service professionals looking for temporary work placements and medical facilities looking for temporary workers to fill in for absentees over a weekend, during emergencies and over more concrete periods like 6 months or so he adds.

Available on both Android app store and Apple IOS store, on downloading the app and filling in one’s details , one will be able to access Teamwork Homecare services easily.

According to Habumugisha you can request for a Doctor or Nurse near you to come to your home given the application will be mapped on Google maps, you can also indicate whether it’s an emergency or not to guide effective response from Teamwork.

Incase of an emergency, the Doctor will come along with a full first aid kit and supporting tools needed to save your life before giving you a referral note ensuring you get priority treatment at the hospital where you are taken after.


Habumugisha and his team are also putting together a number of payment options that include Cash, both credit and debit cards, Mobile money payments and an option where one’s insurance cover will include the services Teamwork Homecare offers.

An option for prospective clients to have savings account on the system and be able to pay for Teamwork Homecare’s services using this money while also being able to pay for family, friends or any other intended beneficiary using this method is also in the works.

Going forward, the company plans to roll out it’s services across the country with regional hubs first set up in Mbale in the East, Mbarara in mid western and Lira in the North equipped with ambulances to improve reach of their services to rural communities.

Finally they are also set to undertake increased recruitment and training of nursing Assistants across the country to improve on the available work force in both quality and numbers that is providing elderly and Palliative Care services to Ugandans.

“In that way we aim at creating mass employment opportunities for Ugandans especially the youth and women, curbing the ongoing mass exodus to the Middle East for work while giving them gainful employment that will in turn give government much needed tax revenue as deductions from their earnings” Habumugisha concludes.